Institute for Advanced Research


KELAS: Unlocking the Interplay of Thought and Feeling in Political Knowledge

The recently concluded KELAS (Kelompok Belajar Ilmu Sosial or Social Sciences Study Group) at the Institute for Advanced Research (IFAR) Atma Jaya provided a unique and transformative learning experience. Facilitated by Nik Setiadarma, a PhD candidate from Northwestern University’s Department of History, this intensive graduate seminar series challenged conventional dualisms and encouraged participants to explore the complexities inherent in the construction, conveyance, and comprehension of political ideas…[Read more]

KELAS: Exploring the Dynamics of Organizations

Understanding the complexities of organizations is not only beneficial but essential. With this understanding in mind, IFAR Atma Jaya invites participants to embark on a 12-week journey of discovery through a flagship online course series called ‘KELAS’…[Read more]